"Although it's not the biggest, Kode does have the most beautiful Munch collection in the world," says Kjetil Smørås and adds:
"In addition, this is where you'll find the country's boldest and brightest art and culture curators."
Kode consists of four centrally located art museums and three composers' homes outside the city centre. It's Scandinavia's largest museum of art, design and music, and is the place Kjetil always recommends to both locals and visitors alike.
De Bergenske is a collection of premium hotels and restaurants in Bergen. As hotel director, Kjetil is responsible for several locations that are located right in the city centre and is very well versed when it comes to recommending the best experiences in Bergen.
Watch the video We're Bergen here:
Bergen does not hibernate when winter comes - on the contrary. Experience the popular Christmas market in Bergen and other magical holiday activities for the whole family.
Here are five excellent reasons to choose Bergen as your next coolcation destination.