
Bergen Børs Hotel to Stoltzekleiven – a run that offers both exercise and amazing experiences

Bergen, a city embraced by fjords, surrounded by mountains and rich in history, has a unique appeal to many of us – including us runners. 

 When staying at Bergen Børs Hotel, there are several good running routes right outside your door. Linn Karin Tjalvin Alvsåker is a local who knows the city and its outdoor training opportunities well. 

"What's so nice about Bergen is that it's just a short distance from the centre to the mountains and nature. There are many different runs with varying degrees of length and intensity. There's something for everyone," says Linn Karin. 

The Bergen native goes on to say that there are high mountains on all sides with the city centre nestled in the middle. 

"And it's really varied. You can hike in the forest or across a plateau of several mountains." 

For those who want to measure their performance, the Strava app can be a faithful companion along the way. Register your route, measure your time, and become part of the vibrant running community that embraces Bergen. What will your rank up the Stoltzekleiven trail be?

A route we love: Bergen Børs – Fjellveien – Stoltzekleiven 

There are several excellent options those who want to explore Bergen while running. The route from Hotel Bergen Børs to the start of the Stoltzekleiven hiking trail is about three km long. Once you get there, you need to climb a steep trail featuring plenty of stairs.  

The route starts with some sightrunning in the city before coming up to Fjellveien, a partly gravelled 'mountain road' that only allows cars in one section. It's a great experience for the nature lover.  

"It takes you from the city centre to high altitude. In Fjellveien, you have already arrived by the forest. So, it doesn't take many minutes before you've completely changed your environment. It's a very nice road with a view of the sea," says Linn Karin. 

"Mentally, an outdoor run is very refreshing. You can clear your head and your thoughts. You get time for yourself, and you can focus on what's around you. It's a wonderful break in everyday life," says Linn Karin.

When you reach the start of the Stoltzekleiven trail, you have a relatively short but strenuous hike to the top. Stoltzekleiven is a steep hiking trail featuring paving stones and wooden and stone staircases with over 900 steps leading to the top of Sandviksfjellet mountain. It's one of the most popular hiking trails in Bergen.  

"Stoltzekleiven challenges you in both is terms of your stride and the elevation. It's a very popular trail for both locals and tourists," says Linn Karin. 

You can either walk or run up the trail. Either way, the trail is more than just exercise — it's an experience. When you reach the top, you can enjoy a well-deserved break with lovely views of Bergen.  

Dress for the Bergen weather  

 When running in Bergen, it's good to consider that the weather can change quickly. Linn Karin's tip is to dress in layers and not wear too many clothes when you start running. 

"Carry an energy bar in your pocket so you can refill a bit. It's also important to have enough liquid. Remember to dress according to the weather!" 

Don't forget to pack your running shoes the next time you visit Bergen Børs Hotel. Explore the city, experience nature, and be inspired by the iconic Stoltzekleiven trail. 

 See all our rooms and suites at Bergen Børs Hotel.

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